Obsidian tides will be nature's bane.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Abraham - The Serpent, the Prophet, and the Whore (2012)

Artist: Abraham
Album: The Serpent, the Prophet, and the Whore
Country: Switzerland
Release Date: October 1st, 2012
Genre: Sludge metal/metalcore

This is one of the more overlooked post-metal releases of the year, which is a shame, because this brings something to the table that's actually pretty rare for the genre: uniqueness. Imagine The Beyond-era Cult of Luna blended with Gaza and Underoath, and you'll have a decent idea of what this album sounds like. Highly recommended.

Sample song, tracklist, and link can be found after the jump. 

Start With a Heartbeat

1. Start With a Heartbeat (4:13)
2. Man the Serpent (5:30)
3. The Great Dismemberment (4:10)
4. New King, Dark Prophet (3:25)
5. This is not a Dead Man, Yet (6:44)
6. Carcasses (8:23)
7. The Chymical Fiancé (5:44)
8. Dawn (7:34)

Duration - 45:43


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